
Jon-Erik Munro

I have always been interested in photography, as far back as I can remember. After finishing matric in 2005 I went on to study Professional Photography at City Varsity in Cape Town in 2006. While at City Varsity I was able to fine tune my ideas on the subject of photography and I was able to channel my creativity into the areas that I found interesting, mainly studio and portraits.

After graduating in 2007 with distinction I went on to work for well known lodge photographer and writer David Rogers. I have been working for David Rogers since December 2007 doing mainly colour correcting and retouching of his images before they go off to the various clients. I was privileged enough to travel with David on a few local shoots where I assisted him as well as being able to take some of my own images.

Along with David Rogers I have also done some studio assisting for photographer Malcolm Dare of the Pixel Foundry.